Monday, February 21, 2011

Pinhole camera

Ever wondered what you can do with a normal empty juicebox drink? Yeah, the one where you usually throw it on the sidewalk after you finished drinking it.

By only using simple tools such as cutter, black tapes, needle and aluminium can; your empty juicebox won't become a waste anymore as you can turn it into a camera. Yes, a camera, the thing where people use it to snap pictures, remember? 
This is a technique of creating a pinhole camera. A pinhole camera is a cheap and convenient way to create a device that have similar function to capture an images. Just like your ordinary digital camera, but minus all of the gizmo function found on an advance digital camera.

The video below will explain to you on how to create a pinhole camera.

This is indeed a detailed video on how someone can create their own camera using tools that can easily be found in their house. Forget about the girl with a fake moustache pretending to be a man, as the sexy voice of this video will show you a detail but easy-to-follow steps.
Now, why would any of us want to waste time building something like this, when you can just grab a real camera to snap pictures? But believe me when I said the outcome of a pinhole camera can be very different from what you normally have from your digital camera.
And pinhole camera is another way you can experiment and improve your understanding on how a real camera works. In fact, it teaches you to be creative, as well as provides another alternative for you to get passionate on getting your subject into pictures.


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